Rules & Discipline

Rules & Discipline

  • All students should arrive at the school before the bell is rung for the morning school assembly.
  • The school uniform is to be worn on all class day and school functions, Shabbily dressed students may be excluded from the classroom or even sent home.
  • Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is strictly forbidden.
  • Books, other than those used in class or taken from the school library, magazines and newspapers etc. are to be brought to school without the principal's permission.
  • Any damage to the property whether of school or of its inmates must be made compensated.
  • As the medium of instruction in this school is English, the students may be fined for not using English tongue.
  • School home-work and takes assigned by the teacher are to be completed in time.
  • Children who come to school in the care of attendant should not leave the school before the attendant arrivals. If the attendant is delayed, the principal should be informed and some alternative arrangement be made principal should be informed and some alternative arrangement be made by the parents or guardians.
  • Students should get their progress report cards signed by their parents or guardians and returned them to their class teacher within three day of its receipts.
  • A student will not be permitted to attend the school if he/she is suffering from an infectious or contagious disease.
  • All the students should make it a point to be courteous and polite at all times.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter the classrooms or talk to the teachers during the school hours.
  • Students are required to keep their convenience cycle, scooter, motorcycle duly locked at the students' parking place.
  • Class attendance I necessary according to C.B.S.E. rules.